
Blog: What is Template Design?

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What is Template Design?

Template design is the process of creating a pre designed structure or layout for documents & marketing purposes.
A template serves to guide the placement of content, ensuring a cohesive & appealing final product.
The biggest benefit of designing a template is, the time & effort it saves for repetitive or reoccurring work.

How does it work?

Instead of starting every time from scratch, it’s beneficial to create off the shelf documents.
This is very useful for big & small businesses who use documents on a regular basis.
Requirements for creating professional templates include branding, design, layout, hierarchy, typography, colors & user experience.
Templates can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:
• Emails
• Documents / Forms
• Marketing materials
• Questionnaires
• Social media posts
• Newsletters
• Resumes
• Websites


As mentioned above, a big benefit of template design is that it enables consistent branding.
By using similar templates for all your marketing materials, you can create a cohesive look & feel to your brand identity.
Establishing a professional image & standing out in a crowded marketplace is imperative, especially for startups.


When designing templates, it’s important to consider the document purpose & audience.
For example, a resume should have alot of white space, clear headers & be easy to read.
Whereas a business card should be concise, compact & informative.

Layout & Hierarchy

It’s also important to take the content layout & structure into account.
All layouts should be well balanced so that the content & reader can breathe.
The hierarchy should be clear, with essential information placed at the top & least relevant at the bottom.


The right font & font size is crucial, as it affects the readability & overall document quality.
Fonts should always be easily readable.
It’s recommended to combine a variety of font sizes to emphasize certain content & make your document visually appealing.


When choosing the color, always take into account the readibility.
Colors affect the mood & tone of a document, so it’s of import to decide purposefully for your intended audience.
As a rule of thumb:
  • More practical than hip.
  • Function, readability & cleanliness as first priority.

User Experience (UX)

Finally, considering the user experience when designing a template.
This includes navigation, layout & overall useability.
A template should be easy to use & interpret, with concise calls to action „CTA’s“.
If you hand out your documents or forms digitally, adding hyperlinks is a great idea to enhance intuitive navigation.


In conclusion, template design is a essential process that involves crafting a pre designed & structured document.
Besides saving you a lot of time & effort it will add consistent & cohesive branding to your business.
When making a template consider the purpose, audience, layout, hierarchy, typography, color & user experience.
I hope this article could answer all your questions & helps you create a template that meets your business & project needs.
Do you need professionally made custom templates?
Let’s get in touch!

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